Glimpses of Church Life Rev. Ottis Burgher, pastor emeritus Della Just Married! Douglas and Shannon Just Married! Jean and Victor Just Married – Fran and Kenny Family Night Dinner Jess and Kap Eric and girls Lynda Randall and Jenny Bill J Marie and Susan Working in the vineyard Flonnie, Margie, Elsie Elizabeth Wade, our Senior Saint Pastor and Howard at Natural Bridge Racetrack Judy waiting for someone to purchase her valuables! Smiles so sweetly! Grandmother and granddaughter sing! Lafonda and Roger A few of our “Sunday School Singers” Sunday School Promotion Bible School 2010 Vicki and Lillian Associate Pastor Brice Pastor Lonni Michelle – our pianist Frances and Elizabeth Chittums arriving at church! All the way from Germany to help Bill with the sign Bill and Pastor working on new wall Bill, Roger and Pastor working on new wall working on the new wall